• Established 1984. Multilingual Communication Service Company

Japanese-to-English Translation/English Writing Service


Communication in English is more important than ever, and now that the Internet readily facilitates global communication, it’s no longer adequate to merely produce passable English translations. Translations into English should be persuasive and engage the reader.

Have you ever wondered whether your advertising was really getting the message across in English? Or perhaps you want to phrase your communications in effective English or devise catch copy that will give a real boost to your company. These are common concerns among our clients, and we can assist them with our English writing service. With over 30 years of experience, we offer sophisticated English writing skills backed by thorough quality control.


Four Levels of Service
Depending on your requirements, four levels of service are available.

1. Translation into Native-level English
2. Translation into English for International Communication
3. Abstracted Translation
4. English Writing